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Rodney Bassett

Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Honors and Awards
Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1973
University Fellowship, The Ohio State University, 1973-1977
Nominee for Graduate Associate Teaching Award, The Ohio State University, 1976
Recipient of the Barbara S. Muller Award for Teaching Excellence, Roberts Wesleyan College, 1978
Who's Who in the East, 1983
Outstanding Young Men in America, 1983
Recipient of the Faculty Award for Professional Accomplishments, Roberts Wesleyan College, 1992 and 2007
Who's Who in Theology and Science, 1995
Who's Who in America, 1999 and 2001
Directory of American Scholars, 2000
Recipient of the Distinguished Member Award,
Christian Association for Psychological Studies, 2007

Professional Organizations
American Psychological Association
Christian Association for Psychological Studies
Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Other Professional Activities
Contributing Editor, Journal of Psychology and Theology
Book Review Editor, Journal of Psychology and Christianity
Board member, Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region)
Chair, Human Subjects Review Board, Roberts Wesleyan College
Review submitted manuscripts, various journals
Advisement Group, Christian Association for Psychological Studies - Eastern Region

1st Vice President of Student Government (Coordinator of Chapel and President of Student Council), Seattle Pacific University, 1972-1973.
Teaching Assistant (Anatomy and Physiology, Introductory Psychology) Seattle Pacific University, 1972-1973.
Teaching Assistant (Introductory Psychology), The Ohio State University, 1975‑1976.
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Roberts Wesleyan College, 1977-1982
Associate Professor of Psychology, Roberts Wesleyan College, 1982-1988
Professor of Psychology, Roberts Wesleyan College, 1988-Present
Consultant for Harrington-Slater Enterprises, 1983
Research Editor for CAPS (Christian Associationfor Psychological Studies) - East Newsletter, 1983-1987
Contributing editor for the Journal of Psychology and Theology, 1989-Present
Contributing editor for the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 1988-1990
Contributing editor for Research on Christian Higher Education, 1993-2002
Convention chair and Finance chair, Annual Meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological studies - Eastern Region, Ligonier, PA, 1993
Guest editor for the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, summer, 1990
Book Review Editor for the Journal of Psychological Christianity, 1991 - ­Present
Member of the CAPS - East Board of Directors 1991-1996 (President - 2 years),  1999-2004, 2008-present
Member of the CAPS International Board of Directors, 2000-2006
President-elect CAPS International, 2002
President CAPS International, 2003-2004
Referee for the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 1990-Present
Referee for the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1996-Present
Referee for the journal of Marriage and Family:  A Christian Journal, 1998
Secretary CAPS International, 2001
Treasurer of Division 36 of the American Psychological Association, 2002 - 2005

Teaching Interests
Integration of Psychology and Christianity
Research Methods
Social Psychology

Ongoing Research Projects
Spirituality and Justice, CRJ research project
Personality and Justice, CRJ research project 
College Justice, CRJ research project
Remorse and Openness, Independent Study research project 
“Please care about me!” or “I am pleased to care about you!”  Considering Adaptive and
     Maladaptive Versions of Unmitigated Communion 
“Exploring the Psychological Topography of Self-Sacrifice” 
Paper integrating four projects involving the assessment of legalism and grace within
     people’s lives

Publications and Convention Papers
Bailey, N., Reynolds, R., & Bassett, R.L. (1993, October).  Imitating Jesus Christ: One Attempt at Measurement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies‑Eastern Region, Ligonier, PA.

Barclay, J., Powers, C., Smith, A., Thrower, J., Tindall, M., Tiuch, K., Monroe, J., Bassett, R. L. (2004, March). One effort to measure implicit attitudes toward spirituality and religion.  Paper presented at the mid-winter meeting of Division 36 of the American Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.

Barnett, K. L., Bassett, R. L., Grimm, J. P., & Repass, C. L. (2012).  Revisiting the issue of influential sources in the integration of psychology and theology:  Are we there yet?  Journal of Psychology and Theology, 40, 93-101.

Bassett, K. M., Bassett, R. L., & Grimm, J. P. (2007, March). Are defensive Christians more optimistic?  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, K. M., Bassett, R. L., Scott, K., Lovejoy, M., Preston, J., Gavette, H., & Grimm, J. P. (in press).  Regarding football and worldview:  Is defensiveness the best offense? Journal of Psychology and Christianity.

Bassett, R. L. (1979). I'm OK ‑ you're OK ‑ but what about psychology? Prism,3, 3‑6.

Bassett, R. L. (1985). Applied psychology. In D. G. Benner (Ed.), Baker's encyclopedia of psychology (pp. 71‑72). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

Bassett, R. L. (1985). Compliance. In D. G. Benner (Ed.), Baker's encyclopedia of psychology(pp. 201‑202). Grand Rapids Baker Book House.

Bassett, R. L. (1985). Environmental psychology. In D. G. Benner (Ed.), Baker's encyclopedia of psychology (pp. 365‑366). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

Bassett, R. L. (1985). Psycholinguistics. In D. G. Benner (Ed.), Baker's encyclopedia of psychology (p. 910). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

Bassett, R. L. (1985). Social comparison. In D. G. Benner (Ed.), Baker's encyclopedia of psychology (pp. 1096‑1097). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

Bassett, R. L. (1991, August). Applying the Elaboration Likelihood Model to the Psychology of religion. In P. C. Hill (Chair), Promising cognitive models for an empirical psychology of religion. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Bassett, R. L. (1991, September). Some things have changed and other things have not changed. In P. C. Hill (Chair),The concept of integration: Where have we been and where are we going? Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Sandy Cove, MD.

Bassett, R. L. (2012, March).  Engaging undergraduate students in research.  In E. Worthington, Jr. (Chair), Engaging students in your research program regardless of your academic setting.  Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L. (2012).  Seeing in a mirror dimly:  Doing original research with
undergraduate students. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 31,298-302.

Bassett, R. L. Amazing grace in the life of the earnest Christian. Possible chapter in the edited volume Earnest.

Bassett, R. L., & Aubé, J. (in press).  “Please care about me!” or “I am pleased to care about you!” Considering adaptive and maladaptive versions of Unmitigated Communion.  Journal of Psychology and Theology.

Bassett, R. L., & Aubé, J.(in press). Considering Adaptive and Maladaptive Versions of Unmitigated Communion:  Part Two.  Journal of Psychology and Theology.

Bassett, R. L., Grefrath, S., Oliver, M., Ondrick, A, and Redband, J. (August, 2000). Predicting sexual attitudes among Christian college students. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association,Washington,D.C.

Bassett, R. L., & Buskey, J. (1985, October). Personality and Biblical interpretation: An empirical study. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological studies (Eastern Region), Washington, D.C.

Bassett, R. L., & Hill, P. C. (1998).  The ACE model of emotions:  Living Jesus Christ while experiencing emotions. Journal of Psychology and Theology,26, 232-246.

Bassett, R. L., & Hoeflein, K. (2013, November). Considering the tension between internalization and entitlement within spirituality: Grace, legalism, and RWA. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Virginia Beach, VA.

Bassett, R. L., & Knowles, E. S. (1976, May). Groups as social entities: Effects of focal activity, group size, and member similarity on non‑group members.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Bassett,R. L., & Langless, P. (2012, November). 
Remorse and self-concealment:  And the man and his wife hid themselves from
the presence of the Lord (Genesis 3:8). Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., & Latane, B. (1976, September). Social influence and news stories. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Bassett, R. L., & Roberts Wesleyan College Psychology Research Group (2013).  An empirical consideration of grace and legalism within Christian experience. 
Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 32, 43-69.

Bassett, R. L., Allen, J., Bartos, D., Grastorf, J., Sherman, E. (1997, August). Homophobic Christians:  Loving sinners while hating sin?  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

Bassett, R. L., Allen, S., Cummings, C., Dibble, E., Nauratil, K., Page, K., & Waller, S. (2012, March).  Can different types of remorse have differential effects upon seeking forgiveness and reconciliation?  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L., Angelov, A. B., Mack, W. J. A., & Monfort, K. (2003, August). Christians:  Which ones have reflective lives?  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychologial Association, Toronto, CA.

Bassett, R. L., Angelov, A. B., Mack, W. J. A., Monfort, K., & Monroe, J. (2003, June). Spontaneous and deliberative attitudes toward gay and lesbian persons among Christian college students.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Anaheim, CA.

Bassett, R. L., Ayers, L., Centola, E., Field, A., Gritsyuta, N., Klein, S. (2007, March). Assessing spiritual gifts with discernment.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Baker, B., Rose, B. (1984, October). Extending locus of control into the supernatural dimension. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Bassett, R. L., Baker, C., Cleere, R., Keys, S., Phillips, C., Robertson, D., Tutino, A., Graney, C., & Zherka, N. (2012, March).  Assessing legalism and grace:  Being a Law Man or God’s Man (Galatians 2:19).  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L., Baker, J., Barrington, C., Osgood, D. R., Clark, L., Rudz, K., &
Zinke, A. (2012, April).  The effect of Moral typecasting upon remorse and seeking forgiveness following a transgression.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the
Christian Association for Psychological Studies – International Meeting,
Portland, OR.

Bassett, R. L., Baldwin, D., Tammaro, J., Mackmer, D., Mundig, C., Wareing, A., & Tschorke, D. (2001, August). Reconsidering intrinsic religion as a source of universal compassion.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Bassett, R. L., Baldwin, D., Tammaro, J., Mackmer, D., Mundig, C., Wareing, A., & Tschorke, D. (2002).  Reconsidering intrinisic religion as a source of universal compassion. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 30, 131-143.

Bassett, R. L., Bartz, S., Bonnett, M., Mix, S., & Scavo, L. (2012, November).  Exploring
the psychological topography of self-sacrifice.  Poster session presented at the meeting of
the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Rhodes
Grove, PA.

Bassett, R.L., Bartz, S., Bonnett, M., Mix, S., & Scavo, L. (in press) Exploring the psychological topography of self-sacrifice.   Journal of Psychology and Christianity.

Bassett, R. L., Basinger, D. (1982). Ye shall be manipulators of men. Eternity,33, 20‑23.

Bassett, R. L., Basinger, D., & Livermore, P. (1982). Lying in the laboratory: Deception in human research from psychological, philosophical, and theological perspectives. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 34, 201‑212.

Republished in Psychology and Christianity Integration:  Seminal Works that Shaped the Movement.  Edited by Daryl H. Stevenson, Brian E. Eck, and Peter C. Hill.  Batavia, IL:  Christian Association for Psycholgoical Studies, Inc., 2007.

Bassett, R. L., Bassett, K. M., Lloyd, M. W., & Johnson, J. L. (2005, April). Godly sorrow and psychological guilt:  Implications for seeking forgiveness.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Dallas, TX.

Bassett, R. L., Bassett, K. M., Lloyd, M. W., & Johnson, J. L. (2006).  Seeking forgiveness:  Considering the role of moral emotions Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 34,111-133.

Bassett, R. L., Bellinger, C., Pratt, T., Dorschel, D., Bartz, B., Stedman, P., Pecchia,
T., & Wagner, W. (2012, November).  College Offenses Paradigm (COP):  A methodology for considering justice issues within academia.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Bertram, C., Bruyns, K., Heidt, J., MacHose, M., & Smith, M. (2005, August). An optimistic look at gratitude.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Bassett, R. L., Bland, E. J., Guest, S. L., Hyde, J., Rybacki, A. M. (2007, November). Amazing grace. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Blaschek, T., Candeias, E., Caufield, M., Messbauer, D., Tutino, A., & Winters, N. Moral Foundations Theory: Operationalizing the purity foundation. Paper submission.

Bassett, R. L., Bonnett, M., Cobstill, S., Gardner, E., Harryman, G., Tiddick, D., Zherka, N. (2012, March).  Being a law man or God’s man (Galatians 2:19):  Assessing religious legalism.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L., Booth, R., Fitzsimmons, J., Knopp, M., LaBelle, R., Quinones, L.,Townsend, C. (2007, March). Sexual attitudes, sexual behavior, cyberporn use and Christian college students. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Bornheimer, J., Brebeau, K., Camplin, M., Cooksey, S., Dinsmore, D., Doyle, E., Freeman, D., Habel, J., Hamilton, T., Hodges, J., Horning, D., Hubbard, L., Hughes, R., Jasper, M., Krivanek, M., Lee, M., Moyer, D., Nishida, C., O'Hearn, W., Reber H., Rector, C., Risk, K., Rollison, K., Strick, M., Robson, R., Whitney, H., and Hill, P. C. (1987, October). Comparing psychological guilt and sorrow: Do Christians recognize the difference? Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Lancaster, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Bowen, A., DiPlato, T., Doolan, N., Frisbee, S., Hildebrand, A., Pillsbury, J., McCullough, T., & Altman, J. (2009, April). Do dispositional tendencies predict the different rhythms of remorse? Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Orlando, FL.

Bassett, R. L., Bray, K., Cherry, R., Mathis, L., McCormick, V., Stevenson, W., & Tedesco, N. (2010, November). Spirituality and self-enhancement:  Social desirability and narcissism.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Breault, J., Buettner, K., Vitale, J., Hochheimer, M., & Moore, S. Forgiveness:  It may be less about right and wrong and more about you and me.  Submitted for possible publication to the Journal of Psychology and Christianity.

Bassett, R. L., Breault, J., Buettner, K., Vitale, J., Moore, S., & Hochheimer, M. (2014, April). Moral Foundations Theory and the inclination to forgive or seek forgiveness. Poster presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Bassett, R. L., Brennon, J., Dussault, M., Luczak, S., Palmer, A., Pannucci, H., Tyrrell, C., & Walther, M. (2010, November). Spirituality and self-enhancement:  Self-serving attributions, unrealistic optimism, and false concsensus and uniqueness. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Brill, S., Hoomans, J., Kent, D., and Hill, P. C. (1987, October). Anger from a Christian perspective: Three empirical studies. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Lancaster, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Calvin-Williams, M., Gelormini, D., Rowe, H., Scott, N., & Toman, M. (2009, November). After the transgression:  Considering the interplay between remorse, seeking forgiveness, and religious coping styles. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Camplin, W., Humphrey, D., Dorr, C., Biggs, S., Distaffen, R., Doxtator, I., Flaherty, M. Hunsberger, P. J., Poage, R., & Thompson, H. (1991). Measuring Christian maturity: A Comparison of several scales. Journal of Psychology and Theology,19, 84‑93.

Bassett, R. L., Carrier, E., & Charleson, K. (2013, November). Is it really more blessed to give than to receive? A consideration of forgiveness and health. Poster presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Virginia Beach, VA.

Bassett, R. L., Carrier, E., Charleson, K., Pak, N. R., Schwingel, R., Majors, A., Pitre, M., Sundlof-Stoller, A., & Bloser, C. Is it really more blessed to give than to receive? A consideration of forgiveness and health. Submitted for possible publication to the Journal of Psychology and Theology.

Bassett, R. L., Centola, E., Klein, S., Ayers, L. Field, A., Gritsyuata, N. (2007, March). Assessing spiritual gifts with discernment. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Churpita, D., DeLeo, R., Jackson, J. C., Platt, R., Chaddock, T. P. (2008, April). Granting forgiveness:  The power of empathy and grace. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Phoenix, AZ.

Bassett, R. L., Clark, N., Dalberth, R., Goetz, C., & Streb, E. (2014, April). Terror Management Theory: Empirical consideration of the good, bad, and ugly. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Bassett, R. L., Crosby, A., Herrick, K., Spencer, B., Perry, E., Rosenthal, M. C., &
Thompson, M. (2013, April).  Considering the relationship between self-sacrifice and different types of helping. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – International Meeting, Portland, OR.

Bassett, R. L., Crosby, A., Herrick, K., Spencer, B., Perry, E., Rosenthal, M. C., & Thompson, M. Considering the relationship between self-sacrifice and different types of helping. Submitted for possible publication to the Journal of Psychology and Christianity.

Bassett, R. L., Darkwah, A., Hall, C., Hanson, T., Marlowe, H., Spokony, L., Thomas, M., & Barnett, K. (2009, April). It takes two to tango:  Seeking forgiveness when the victim also acknowledges responsibility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Orlando, FL.

Bassett, R. L., Davis, P., Johnson, J., and Lehmann, L. (1987, October). The Religious Self‑Esteem Inventory: Measuring the effect a relationship with God has upon self‑esteem. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Lancaster, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Dingus, L., Lee, K., Melvin, S., Reed, D. (2012, March).  Terror Management Theory and faith.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L., DiPaola, S., Ewer, S., Longo, F., and Coleman, M. (1998, October), “Make disciples…” (from God), and “Measure it!” (from accrediting associations).  Paper presented at the CCCU National Conference on Assessment,Upland,IN.

Bassett, R. L., DiPaola, S., Ewer, S., Longo, R., and Coleman, M. (2001).  Assessing religiousness this side of Heaven:  Ceiling effects among Christian college students. Research on Christian Higher Education, 8, 1-18.

Bassett, R. L., Edgerton, M., Johnson, J., Lill, C., Russo, G., Ardella, L., Pascuzzo, K., Erbland, A., Cox, A., & Graf, N. (2008).  Seeking forgiveness:  The view from an experimental paradigm. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 27,140-149.

Bassett, R. L., Ely, A., Monica, K., Robinson, A., & Spencer, B. Grace salience: Possible methodologies for making unmerited favor cognitively salient. Paper submission.

Bassett, R. L., English, E., Mosher, J., Patton, B., Powers, C., Reybrouck, D., Sylvester, R., & Updike, P. (2002, April). Dual-process models:  Two paths through the Christian heart?  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Bassett, R. L., Falinski, K., Luitich, K., Pahls, K., Suhr, J., Tenore, C., White, A., & Wigle, A. (2012, March).  Amazing Grace.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L., Felluca, J., Goodwin, C. A., Henahan, L., Hildebrandt, A., Hogan, E. E., Miller, J. L., Rathbun, K., Scott, L. E., & Aubé (2009, April). Unmitigated communion and sacrifice within close relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Orlando, FL.

Bassett, R. L., Galusha, H., Glantz, P., Oca, S., Archer, S. (2012, March).  The Amazing Grace Scale.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L., Garrick, I., Fogarty, M., Giacalone, S., Kapuscinski, A., Olmstead, M., McRae, M., Claes, N., Birrittella, D., Mogle, A., O’Connor, K., & Distaffen, R. (2008).  Walking down the sunny side of the street:  Three studies developing a spiritually nuanced measure of optimism. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 18, 330-352.

Bassett, R. L., Giabrone, C., Iacutone, C., Miller, E., Riekofski, A., & Bassett Greer, K. (2010, April). Self-sacrifice in the bedroom and in the classroom:  The bedroom.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Kansas City, MS.

Bassett, R. L., Grantz, J., Lee, K., Lovejoy, K., Newsome, M., Teora, C., Votra, L., & Yonker, L. (2012, March).  Psychological control as a possible antecedent and consequence of unmitigated communion. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Bassett, R. L., Gregory, L., Kraft, M., Klink, C., Pearsall, M., Post, K., Skirvin, K., Aubé, J., & Stevenson, P. (2009, April). Unmitigated communion and body image, moral emotions, God image, and grace. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Orlando, FL.

Bassett, R. L., Hansen, K., Kramer, L., Nelson, R., Stever, E., Waas, J., & Prouty, K. (2009, November). Self-sacrifice in close relationships:  A consideration of possible predictors.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Hill, P. C., Hart, C., Mathewson, K., and Perry, K. (1993). Helping Christians reclaim some abandoned emotions: The ACE model of emotion. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 21, 165-­173.

Bassett, R. L., Hodak, E., Allen, J., Bartos, D., Grastorf, J., Sittig, L., and Strong, J. (2000).  Homonegative Christians:  Loving the sinner but hating the sin? Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 19, 258-269.

Bassett, R. L., Hoeflein, K., Lim, H., Hedrick, N., & Staci Downey. Are Pharisees and disciples really that different? A consideration of grace and legalism. This paper was invited to be part of a special issue on Christian Psychology for the Journal of Positive Psychology.

Bassett, R. L., Hoomans, J., Kent, D., Alger, T., Bates, M., Brill, S., Davis, P., Deaton, E., Dresser, C., Fields, D., Greeno, N., Johnston, J., Kucheravy, B., Lamb, M., Mastrogiovanni, P., Morton, S., Parkhurst, L., Prouty, M., Ramoutar, S., Wheeler, B., Wingard, C., Ziegler, R. (1986, October). An empirical look at some possible distinctions between Positive and negative anger. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Speculator, NY.

Bassett, R. L., Jasper, M., Lee, M., Hughes, R., Hill, P.C., & Masci, J. (1990). Comparing psychological guilt and constructive sorrow: Do Christians recognize the difference? Journal of Psychology and Theology,18, 244‑254.

Bassett, R. L., Johnson, J., Russo, G., Pascuzzo, K., & Cox, A. (2007, March). Moral emotions and seeking forgiveness. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Psychological Association, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Kapuscinski, A., McRae, M., Claes, N., Mogle, A., O’Connor, K., & Distaffen, R. (2005, April). Predicting coping strategies from spiritual and secular optimism. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Dallas, TX.

Bassett, R. L., Kirnan, R., Hill, M., & Schultz, A. (2004, March).  SOAP:  Validating the Sexual Orientation and Practices scale.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, St. Petersburg, FL.

Bassett, R. L., Kirnan, R., Hill, M., & Schultz, A. (2005).  SOAPS:  Validating the Sexual Orientation and Practice Scale. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 24,165-175.

Bassett, R. L., LaBelle, R., Booth, R., Fitzsimmons, J., Knopp, M., Townsend, C., & Quinones, L. (2007, March). Sexual attitudes, sexual behavior, cyberporn use and Christian college students. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Lantz, K., Goins, T., & Hill, P.C. (1991, November). The Likelihood of cognitive elaboration to religious messages: A test of the Elaboration Likelihood Model. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Pittsburgh.

Bassett, R. L., Lee, G., DeAnna, L., Smith, J., & Bassett Greer, K. (2010, April). Self-sacrifice in the bedroom and in the classroom:  The classroom. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Kansas City, MS.

Bassett, R. L., Lim, H., Hedrick, N., & Downey, S. (2013, April).  Are Pharisees and Disciples really that different? A consideration of grace and legalism.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – International Meeting, Portland, OR.

Bassett, R. L., London, C., Puente, R., Phippen, S., Capps, B., Booker, C., DiPasquale,
M., Kemner, D., & Gayle, M. (2012, November).  Personality and justice:  Does personality impact views of justice?  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Mackmer, P., Chitaphong, K., Cowen, T., Zavacki, S. (1997 August). Attachment and religious experience: An empirical study.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

Bassett, R. L., Mathewson, K., & Gailitis, A. (1991, September). Recognizing the person in biblical interpretation: An empirical study. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Sandy Cove, MD.

Bassett, R. L., Mathewson, K., & Gailitis, A. (1993). Recognizing the person in biblical interpretation: An empirical study. Journal of Psychology and Christianity,12,38‑46.

Bassett, R. L., McCormick, V., Mathis, L., Tedesco, N., Cherry, R., Bray, K., & Stevenson, W. (2010, November). Spirituality and self-enhancement:  Social desirability and narcissism. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Miller, S., Anstey, K., Crafts, K., Harmon, J., Lee, Y., Parks, J., Robinson, J., Smid, H., Sterner, W., Stevens, C., Wheeler, B., Stevenson, D. H . (1989, April). Picturing God: A nonverbal measure of God concept.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Philadelphia.

Bassett, R. L., Miller, S., Anstey, K., Crafts, K., Harmon, J., Lee, Y., Parks, J., Robinson, M., Smid, H., Sterner, W., Stevens, C., Wheeler, B., & Stevenson, D. H. (1990). Picturing God: A nonverbal measure of God concept for conservative Christians. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 9, 73‑81.

Bassett, R. L., Mowat, G., Ferriter, T., Perry, M., Hutchinson, E., Campbell, J., & Santiago, P. (1998, September). Exploring the implications of why Christian college students abstain from premarital sexual intercourse. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region) Sandy Cove, Md.

Bassett, R. L., Mowat, G., Ferriter, T., Perry, M., Hutchinson, E., Campbell, J., & Santiago, P. (2002).  Why do Christian college students abstain from premarital sexual intercourse? Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 21, 121-132.

Bassett, R.L., Ochs, S., Jacobia, N., & Grimm, J. P. (2010, April). Transforming shame into positive remorse. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Kansas City, MS.

Bassett, R. L., Pak, N. R., Schwingel, R., Majors, A., Pitre, M., Sundlof-Stoller, A., & Bloser, C. (2014, April). Is it really more blessed to give than to receive? A revisiting of forgiveness and health. Poster presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Bassett, R. L., Pannucci, H., Dussault, M., Luczak, S., Brennon, J., Tyrrell, C., Walther, M., & Palmer, A. (2010, November). Spirituality and self-enhancement:  Self-serving attributions, unrealistic optimism, and false consensus. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region) Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Pearson, E., Burt, L., DelPlato, M., Miles, T., Stoklasa, K., & Thering, K. (2009, April). Do the different rhythms of remorse affect the dance of forgiveness? Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Orlando, FL.

Bassett, R. L., Pearson, E., Ochs, S., Brennon, J., Krebs, G., Burt, L., Colangelo, L., DelPlato, M., Flanigan, S., Jacobia, M., Miles, T., Peterson, J., Stoklosa, K., Thering, K., & Grimm, J. P. (2011).  Feeling bad:  The different colors of remorse. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 30,51-69.

Bassett, R. L., Pecnik, J., & Rose, B. (1981, August). Fear of Psychology among evangelicals: Empirically exploring the problem. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, St. Davids, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Pels, C., Pellegrino, K., Dietert, B., Heberling, T., Callaghan, S. (2007, March). Considering the nuances of Christian attitudes toward gays and lesbians. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Perino, S., Barnett, L. M., Blain, M. A., Kibler, K. A., Richards, S. M. (2007, November). Clarifying the role of moral emotions and seeking forgiveness. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region), Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Perry, K., Repass, R., Silver, E., Welch, T. (1994). Perceptions of God among persons with mental retardation. Paper presented at the meeting of The American Association on Mental Retardation, Washington, D.C.

Bassett, R. L., Perry, K., Repass, R., Silver, E., Welch, T. (1994). Perceptions of God among persons with mental retardation: A Research Note. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 22, 45‑49.

Bassett, R.L.,Peterson, J., Dean, H., Glantz, P., Mansour, M., & Talbot, K. (2010, April). The different faces of forgiveness. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Kansas City, MS.

Bassett, R. L., Peterson, J., Defendorf, K., Grossman, B., Harding, A., Jones, H., Lewis, B., Metheny, J., Grimm, J. (2009, April). Reports from the front:  Remorse and seeking forgiveness from lived experiences. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Orlando, FL.

Bassett, R. L., Philips, C., Cornell, A., Morton, S., Buettner, K., Wolfson, E., Majors,
A., & Alwardt, S. (2013, April).  Considering the connection between adult attachment style and self-sacrifice:  An experiment.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – International Meeting, Portland, OR.

Bassett, R. L., Philips, C., Cornell, A., Morton, S., Buettner, K., Wolfson, E., Majors, A., & Alwardt, S. Considering the connection between adult attachment style and self-sacrifice. Submitted for possible publication to the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

Bassett, R. L., Ridley, P. Swan, P., Lehmann, L., Crothers, V., Nielsen, H., Peters, B., Robson, R., Rosko, J., Ryan, M., Stiefler, C. (1989). Righteous and Sinful Anger From the Perspectives of Christian Therapists and College Students. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 3, 47‑56.

Bassett, R. L., Ridley, P., Swan, P., Lehmann, L., Crothers, V., Nielsen, H., Peters, B., Robson, R., Rosko, J., Ryan, M., Stiefler, C. (1989, April). Being angry and pleasing God: Data from Christian therapists and everyday lived experiences.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Sadler, M., Slomski, M., Alessi, L., Miller, K., Alcorn, R., Sharp, V.,
Paesch, J., & Dobosz, J. (2012, November). Spirituality and justice:  Does relationship with God impact views of justice?  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Rhodes Grove, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Sadler, R. D., Kobischen, E. E., Skiff, D. M., Merrill, I. J., Atwater, B. J., & Livermore, P. W. (1981). The Shepherd Scale: Separating the sheep from the goats. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 9, 335‑351.

Bassett, R. L., Schuh, E., Biedrzycki, D., & Bean, K. (2010, April). The Amazing Grace Scale:  Understanding, embracing, and reflecting grace. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Kansas City, MS.

Bassett, R. L., Schwab, T., and Coisman F. (1987). A comparison of psychology faculty teaching at Christian colleges and universities during 1972 and 1984. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 15, 234-­242.

Bassett, R. L., Scott, J., Prevosti, D., & Mathias, K. (1996, November). The ACE model of emotion: What do the spiritual "experts" think? Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region) Ligonier, PA.

Bassett, R. L.,Scott, K., Lovejoy, M., Preston, J., Gavette, H., Grimm, J. P. (2008, April). Regarding football and worldview:  Is defensiveness the best offense? Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Phoenix, AZ.

Bassett, R. L., Singleton, M., & Altman, J. H. (1996, August). One attempt to measure the interplay of religion and self‑esteem.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

Bassett, R. L., Smith, H. L., Newell, R. J., & Richards, A. H. (1999).  Thou shalt not like sex:  Taking another look at religiousness and sexual attitudes. Journal of Psychology and Christianity,18, 205-216.

Bassett, R. L., Smith, H. L., Newell, R. J., & Richards, A. H., (1995, August) .Sexual attitudes among conservative Christians: Erotophobia or incomplete research design? Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.

Bassett, R. L., Thrower, J., Barclay, J., Powers, C., Smith, A., Tindall, M., Tiuch, K., & Monroe, J. (2005).  One effort to measure implicit attitudes toward spirituality and religion. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 24, 210-218.

Bassett, R. L., Vacanti, K., French, J., Larkin, K., Lumb, K., Chinelly, N. A., & Henry, G. (2005, August).  One more attempt to operationalize humility.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Bassett, R. L., van Nikkelen-Kuyper, M., Johnson, D., Miller, A., & Carter, A (2004, March). Being a good neighbor:  Can students come to value homosexual persons?  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, St. Petersburg, FL.

Bassett, R. L., van Nikkelen-Kuyper, M., Johnson, D., Miller, A., Carter, A., & Grimm, J. P. (2005).  Being a good neighbor:  Can students come to value homosexual persons? Journal of Psychology and Theology, 33, 17-26.

Republished in Psychology and Christianity Integration:  Seminal Works that Shaped the Movement.  Edited by Daryl H. Stevenson, Brian E. Eck, and Peter C. Hill.  Batavia, IL:  Christian Association for Psycholgoical Studies, Inc., 2007.

Bassett, R. L., Vincellette, N., Hopkins, S., Cook M., Hryvniak, K., Kyper, L., Geng, C. (2007, March). Revising the SOAP Scale:  Attitudes toward homosexual persons and behavior. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R. L., Warden, L. , Earle, R. , & Stutzman, S. (1996, August) Religious orientation as a predictor of discriminatory attitudes. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

Bassett, R.L., Hill, P.C., Butter, E., Brockman, M., Woeller, C. (1993, October). Homophobia among Christians: A rejection of homosexual and/or a concern for maintaining Christian values?Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for the Scientific‑­Study of Religion, Raleigh, NC.

Bufford, R. K., Blackburn, A., Bassett, R. L., & Sisemore, T. (2013, April).  Measuring
grace:  Further development and validation of a grace measure.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – International Meeting, Portland, OR.

Bufford, R., Blackburn, A. M., Sisemore, T. A., & Bassett, R. L. (in press).  Preliminary analyses of three measures of grace:  Can they be unified?   Journal of Psychology and Theology.

Cialdini, R. B., Cacioppo, J. L., & Bassett, R. L., (1974, May). Throwing the low‑ball for charity: A field study. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Cialdini, R. B., Cacioppo, J. L., & Bassett, R. L., Miller, J. A. (1978) Low‑ball procedure for producing compliance: Commitment then cost. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 463‑476.

DiFonzo, N., Runke, D., & Bassett, R. L. (2012, March).  Predictors of forgiveness seeking.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Washington DC.

Fogarty, M., Giacalone, S., & Bassett, R. L. (2005, April). Drinking from a glass half full:  Measuring Spiritual Optimism. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Dallas, TX.

Garrick, I., Olmstead, M., Birrittella, D., & Bassett, R. L. (2004, March). Walking down the sunny side of the street:  Optimism for the present and future.  Paper presented at the mid-winter meeting of Division 36 of the American Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.

Grimm, J. P. Barnett, K. L., Bassett, R. L., Pearson, S. M., Cornell, A., Morton, S., Scott, K., & Stevenson, P. (2012).  Revisiting the issue of influential sources in the integration of psychology and theology.  Journal of Psychology and Theology, 40, 5-15.

Grimm, J. P., and Bassett, R. L. (August, 2000). Clergy as counselors: The “sleeping giant” revisited. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Hill, P. C., and Bassett, R. L. (1986, August). Attributer characteristics and outcome direction in blaming or crediting God. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Hill, P. C., and Bassett, R. L. (1990, November). Getting to the heart of the matter: What the social‑psychological study of attitudes offers psychology of religion. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society of the Scientific Study of Religion, Virginia Beach, VA.

Hill, P. C., and Bassett, R. L. (1992). Getting to the heart of the matter: What the social‑psychological study of attitudes has to offer psychology of religion. In M. L. Lynn and D. 0. Moberg (Eds.), Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, Inc.

Hill, P. C., Bassett, R. L., & Rowe, R. (1989, April). Understanding the role of anxiety in Christian experience: An empirical analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Philadelphia.

Hill, P. C., Ishler, K., & Bassett, R. L. (1990, August). Religious orientation and complexity of thought: A reexamination of quest. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

Knowles, E. S., & Bassett, R. L. (1976). Groups and crowds: Effects of activity, size, and member similarity on non‑members. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34, 837‑845.

Koss, S., Reigelsperger, M., & Bassett, R.L. (1993, October). The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shall Not Enjoy Sex! Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (Eastern Region) Ligonier, PA.

Manley, P., Miano, R., Luzadder, C., Santore, C., Putnam, J., & Bassett, R. L. (2005, April). The ACE model of emotion:  What separates righteous and sinful emotions?  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Dallas, TX.

Mayer, K., Rawls, N., & Bassett, R. L.(2005, April). Tender hearts and humble minds:  Measuring forgiveness and humility.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Dallas, TX.

Mintz, S., Bassett, R. L.,Collins, E., Dinsmore, J., Moser, A., Tepedino, A. (1997, August). Religious self‑esteem: Further refinement and validation of a scale. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

Staskiewicz, J. H., Breon-Milliman, J., Bouchard, M., Schoonover, J., Bryant, S., Trosinski, K., & Bassett, R. L. (2004, March). The curious virtue of humility:  One effort to measure humility.  Paper presented at the mid-winter meeting of Division 36 of the American Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.

Speaking Engagements

Invited speaker for the Baccalaureate Service, Roberts Wesleyan College, Spring 2015.

Conference Presentations

Bassett, R. L., Fuhrman, C. Beer, R., Bellinger, T., Cunningham, M., Farres, C., James, K., & Richardson, M. (2015, April).  Grace Salience:  Making God’s unmerited favor cognitively salient – helping behavior.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Denver, CO.

Bassett, R. L., Schwartz, S., Berkowitz, J., Brandow, J., Capozzi, E., Hatch, E., LaCelle, M., & Puglisi, N. (2015, April).  Grace Salience:  Making God’s unmerited favor cognitively salient – compassion.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Denver, CO.

Bassett, R. L., Blaschek, T., Candeias, L., Caufield, M., Messbauer, D., Tutino, A., & Winters, N. (2014, November).  Moral foundations theory:  Operationalizing the purity foundation.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Washington, DC.

Bassett, R. L., Canfarano, D., Holmes, D., Medeiros, I., Novelli, A., Phillips, A., Rivera, G., Sheldon, M., Shockey, E., & Stewart, S. (2014, November).  Moral foundations theory and standards of justice.  Poster presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Washington, DC.

Bassett, R. L., Cathron, D., Gibson, D., Cooper, A., O’Neill, D., DiBenedetto, S., & Murphy, J. (2015, April).  Is religious legalism just worldliness playing dress-up as religiosity?  Poster presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Denver, CO.

Bassett, R. L., Didas, A., Tillman, C., Edwards, A., Fitzpatrick, A., Hohler, M., Niford, B., Valenti, M., Woodward, D., & Zorn, R. (2014, November).  Considering the connection between infra-humanization and different views of justice.  Poster presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Washington, DC.

Bassett, R. L., Hanggi, N., Frohe, S., Lovett, R., Paternico, B., Szezepanski, B., Van Tassell, C., Wakefield, Z., & Williams, A. (2014, November).  Considering the relationships between forgiveness and preferred standards of justice.  Poster presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Washington, DC.

Bassett, R. L., Robinson, A., Spencer, B., Monica, K., & Ely, A. (2014, November).  Grace salience:  Possible methodologies for making unmerited favor cognitively salient.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies – Eastern Region, Washington, DC.

PSY 101 General Psychology
PSY 202 Human Sexuality
PSY 306 Social Psychology
PSY 407 Research Practicum

Seattle Pacific University
B.A. Psychology, 1973

The Ohio State University
M.A. Social Psychology, 1975

The Ohio State University
Ph.D., Social Psychology, 1977